

Jasmine Elizabeth Smith (she/her) is a Black poet from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She received her MFA in Poetry from the University of California in Riverside. She is a Cave Canem Fellow and a recipient of the Glucks Art Fellowship.

Jasmine Elizabeth’s poetic work is invested in the Diaspora of Black Americans in various historical contexts and eras. Her work has been featured in Black Renaissance Noir, POETRY, and LA Review of Book, and Kweli among others. Her debut collection South Flight was named a finalist for the 2020 National Poetry Series and is the winner of the Georgia Poetry Prize. South Flight is forthcoming with the University of Georgia Press in February of 2022.

Smith currently works as an associate guest editor for the Black Earth Institute’s About Place Journal and currently serves on the 25th Anniversary Cave Canem Fellows and Faculty Committee while teaching a variety of English courses in her recent home of South Seattle. In rest, you will find Jasmine trekking about by boot or snowshoe in nature.

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“How all them blackbirds clap wet wings after rain, their necks broken with beaks bowled and fat with water even after taking flight”

— “Correspondence from Boley, Oklahoma to Chicago, Illinois”

“Ages ago, my folks believed women like me could climb air as stairs & even when slaves the briar and saw-toothed Wichitas to sky. My people could fly.”

— “Beatrice Ascension to Bee”

South Flight


South Flight is set in Boley, Oklahoma in the peripheral of the Tulsa Race Riots of May 31, 1921. In the wake of the worst race riot in U.S. History and escalating violence towards African Americans across the South in what historians would later call the Red Summer, Jim Waters, a young Black man in his early twenties, boards the Santa Fe Train Line and flees the South to Chicago, Illinois. Like many thousands of African Americans between the years of 1916-1970, Jim Waters seeks economic and political equality in the North. He also fears for his life in the wake of the unprecedented violence towards the African American community.

In his pursuit of freedom, Jim Waters must make the difficult decision to leave behind his lover, Beatrice Vernadene Chapel, who as a Black woman must navigate the dangerous climate that produced the Jim Crow South. As Beatrice and Jim write letters to one another and hold imagined conversations with Blues musicians: Ida B. Cox, Charles Ledbetter, Robert Johnson, and Charlie Patton and the ghosts of Greenwood, the couple interrogates themes of Black femininity, fraught attachments, Black resistance through manifestations of Clyde Wood’s blues epistemology and cooperative economics, and the way in which African Americans changed their geographical regions with the hope to improve their conditions, yet often found that they still carried with them this burden.

The poetry collection South Flight is a eulogy and blues — an unabashed love letter and ragtime — to the history of Black sovereignty, community, and resistance in Oklahoma. South Flight was named a finalist 2020 National Poetry Series, the Jake Adam York Prize, and is winner of the 2021 Georgia Poetry Prize. South Flight is forthcoming with the University of Georgia Press February 2022.

Forthcoming Events

Comb Your Hair (Or You’ll Look Like a Slave)

June 19, 2020

Online performance directed for video


Performance of Poetry & Prose

March 3, 2018

Culver Center of Arts

Blue Wave Concert

November 9, 2019

3891 Ride Road Riverside, CA


Pacific Coast Review: Issue 39 Launch Reading

December 15, 2020


UCR MFA Reading

April 28, 2019

Skylight Books Los Angeles, CA


Readings from World Literature Today’s “Redland Dreaming”

April 10, 2021

Fulton Street Books Tulsa, OK

Women Making History

April 26, 2019

Riverside Women’s Club


Poetic Vibe hosted w/ Danielle Collin

Monday, April 26th


UCR’s 45th Writers Week Festival w/ Daisy Hernandez, Jasmine Elizabeth Smith, & Joy Castro

February 18, 2022 (3:00 pm PCT)

Crowd Cast

Event Registration

Poetry@TECH Presents 2021-2022 McEver Reading w/ Martin Espada, Jasmine Elizabeth Smith & Bruce McEver

February 17, 2022 (7:00pm EST)

(Live Stream Link TBA)

UGA Instagram Takeover and Live Interview with Chioma Urama


South Flight Book Launch

February 19, 2022

The Bird Line; Wonder Valley, California